I am trying to create some widgets for RobotWebTools to monitor/control my robot on the Web browser remotely. According to the nav2djs(one of the widgets of the RobotWebTools) [tutorial](http://wiki.ros.org/nav2djs/Tutorials/CreatingABasicNav2DWidget), the HTML code was shown. So, I decided to use this code as a Base and modify for my original. The code includes the line as below.
My robot and other equipment such as laptop and tablet are all connected in the same Network. However, it is not connected to the Internet. It means all ".js" files cannot import from http://cdn~~~.
I sought for each JS file in order to download and place at the same directory as the HTML file. However, I couldn't find most of those. Does anyone have some solution of this?
Thank you in advance.
My robot and other equipment such as laptop and tablet are all connected in the same Network. However, it is not connected to the Internet. It means all ".js" files cannot import from http://cdn~~~.
I sought for each JS file in order to download and place at the same directory as the HTML file. However, I couldn't find most of those. Does anyone have some solution of this?
Thank you in advance.